Saturday, February 8, 2014

Oral Hygiene for the Physically or Mentally Impaired...How to get ready to brush someone's elses teeth. Part I

   I'm going to start with some facts you need to know:
1. Bacteria(plaque, tartar, biofilm) form on the teeth constantly and becomes more tenacious and harder with age.
2. Most of the bacteria are harmless but in the mix is the bacteria that causes decay and gum disease.
3. The bad bacteria must work in the absence of oxygen..they are anaerobic.
4. It takes the anaerobic bacteria about 24 hours to get organized..they then begin to eat the sugar that comes into the mouth and poop acid.  The acid eats away at the gums and dissolves the tooth structure.
5. The gums fit the tooth like a turtleneck collar....if you disorganize the bacteria at the gumline you can prevent gum disease and decay along the gumline(the most susceptible place for decay in people with poor oral hygiene).
6. Tooth paste does not clean's a mouth wash. It makes your mouth taste better and puts some fluoride on teeth. It also makes you salivate when it's in the mouth.
7.  The average person finds the mouth scarey...they describe it as dirty or repulsive. They can be, but not if you clean them every day.
8.  Fresh plaque or bacteria are are very easy to talcum powder on a can't shake it off but you can just touch it and it comes off. Bacteria in the mouth just needs to be touched.
   What you want to accomplish:
1.  Once a day you want to disturb or aerate the organized bacteria all around the base of the teeth.
2.  Apply fluoride to teeth to prevent decay.
   How to start:
1. Start with a clean slate.  Take the patient to the dentist and have the hygienist clean their teeth, have the dentist do an exam.  Have the hygienist or dentist show you potential problem areas.  Don't are like a blind man at this point but your eyes will slowly start focusing.  It will take practice.
2. Tools to get: Toothbrush, end tuft brush, fluoride mouthwash and latex gloves for yourself.                                       a. A very soft tooth brush, preferably with spaces between the bristles. The best one out there is the Lactona S-19. I have found them on and even on Ebay.  They are a tooth brush made in Holland.  The bristles are soft and the bristle ends have been rounded to prevent abrasion.  You can't hurt any one with this brush.
                          b. An end tuft brush.  This is a tooth brush with the back bristles missing.
                          c. Mouthwash for dry mouth like Biotene or Act for dry mouth. They don't use alcohol as a base...very mild.  You don't want the patient salivating and wanting to spit.

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