Friday, August 17, 2012

Oral Hygiene for an Aging Population

 Now that the aging population are going into assisted living with their teeth, not dentures. I'm seeing adult children bring their parent into the office.  What you see is a person who took good care of their mouth all their life and now there is nothing brushing, flossing or tooth picking. The layman is intimidated with the idea of being in some one's mouth. There is a niche to be filled and a hygienist/dental assistant could make money and fill a need.  Example: I would enter into a contract with the adult child...for a fee I would,once a week,  brush the parent's teeth and gumline, use a end tuft brush between the teeth coming from the buccal and lingual, using mild flouride mouth wash instead of tooth paste which is messy, and finish with the parent rinsing with the mouthwash. I would communicate any complaints the parent had with the adult child about their mouth. I would put the brushes in a sterilizing pack with the parent's name to sterilize and reuse. It takes about two weeks after cleaning the mouth for the biofilm to reestablish its self. What if you had 15 patients at one rest home that you charged $40/mo. to brush their teeth once a week.....that's $600/ month for a half days work........just an IDEA if I ever retire from my day job!

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